Sleeping Beauty: James’ First Blog



Rehearsals, Rehearsals and more Rehearsals!  Well Its the only way to put on a great show for the lovely audiences we get!

Well as you can see from the pictures a lot of work and effort had been put in on Tuesday night from the chorus and principles alike.

This was a music and dance rehearsal and as ever the cast were given clear and precise direction. Even in the sweltering heat, the concentration and commitment showed throughout the rehearsal. (You are in for a very good show)

In my mind this rehearsal gave me a brilliant insight to the characters as I was able to sit back and watch for part. 

Rehearsals have been great fun so far “Oh yes they have” and I am looking forward to the rest.

Lines down soon and characters will start too shine! 

Keep an eye out on the website and Facebook to find out when the tickets go on sale because Once Upon a Time, Long Ago…

— James Gray (Prince Valiant)


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