We’re incredibly excited to formally announce our next production, Calendar Girls, a play, by Tim Firth.
What’s the play about?
When Annie’s husband John dies of leukaemia, she and best friend Chris resolve to raise money for a new settee in the local hospital waiting room. They manage to persuade four fellow Woman’s Institute (WI) members to pose nude with them for an “alternative” calendar, with a little help from hospital porter and amateur photographer Lawrence. The news of the women’s charitable venture spreads like wildfire, and hordes of press soon descend on the small village of Knapeley in the Yorkshire Dales. The calendar is a success, but Chris and Annie’s friendship is put to the test under the strain of their new-found fame.
Based on the true story of eleven WI members who posed nude for a calendar to raise money for the Leukaemia Research Fund, Calendar Girls opened at the Chichester Festival Theatre and has since become the fastest-selling play in British theatre history.
When are you performing the Calendar Girls play?
Show week is the week commencing the 13 February 2023. We will confirm exact dates when tickets go on sale later this year.
Where are you performing Calendar Girls?
We will be returning to Wetherby High School to perform the Calendar Girls play, it will be the first time we’ve been there since our production of Whistle Down the Wind in early 2020.
Can I get involved?
Absolutely! We are looking for people to audition to be in the play, help out backstage and all other manner of things. There’s something for everyone to get involved with!
How do I audition for Calendar Girls?
We are holding auditions on Sunday 11 September between 1pm – 5pm (location to be confirmed). Ahead of that, we will be holding two read-throughs of the play on Tuesday 30 August and Tuesday 6 August between 7:30pm – 10pm at our usual meeting play of Deighton Gates School.
There may be further auditions, if required, on Tuesday 13 September, but this will depend on how the auditions on 11 September go.
I have more questions
Great, if you want to have a chat or have more questions, please do get in touch by emailing wetherbymtg@yahoo.co.uk or by dropping us a message on our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts.