Did you know that Wetherby Musical Theatre Group is also on Twitter? So, please follow and retweet @wetherbymtg (www.twitter.com/wetherbymtg) and let’s see if we can increase our followers to over 300 before the next show!
Month: February 2015
Stars of the upcoming Nunsense: The Mega-Musical Version were tonight focussing on the songs. Above shows Louise McDonald (Sister Robert Anne), Catherine Hopkins (Sister Hubert) and Thelma Smallwood (Sister Mary Amnesia) rehearsing “Growing Up Catholic” from Act 2. Let’s hope…
Wetherby Musical Theatre Group’s Social Media presence has begun to benefit from the improvements to the website and those liking our page has gone up by 10% in the last week alone. Please visit our page. Like it. Share…
Pictures from tonight’s rehearsal show the cast praying they remember their lines…. and their dance moves. It’s looking like it’s going to be a fantastic show and the group are as enthusiastic as ever! Coming up soon will be profiles…
The Wetherby Musical Theatre Group Shop is open for business Do you have a fancy dress party you need a great outfit for? Or are you staging a show and need some costumes? We’ve helped dress numerous shows in the area…
Over the last twelve months, and with the help of members, we have collected nearly all the programmes from previous shows. This collection highlights the diversity of the productions we’ve attempted over the last 40 years and is a colourful history….
As work on the new look website goes on apace, the Gallery is the next element that’s received a spruce up. With better quality thumbnails and larger, watermarked images, we’re now really able to showcase what we do. The Gallery…
WMTG are looking forward to the NODA Gala weekend in Bridlington. This is the annual conference for the North East Region of NODA. The weekend consists of a black tie dinner, workshops, guest speakers, the AGM and dancing to the Joe Loss Orchestra – a…
Wetherby Musical Theatre Group moves from it’s usual venue to the Linton Memorial Hall this spring for our latest production ‘Nunsense: The Mega-Musical Version‘ Below is an extract from the Linton Memorial Hall Website describing it’s heritage: History of the Hall Throughout the…
Before the grease paint has been applied and the lights lit WMTGs latest production has already been distrupted by the General Election. Called for later this year, the Election will be held on 7 May – what was to be…
Our next show, Nunsense: The Mega Musical Version by Dan Goggin, will be from Linton Village Hall from 6 – 9 May 2015. Five of the 19 surviving Little Sisters of Hoboken, a one-time missionary order that ran a leper…