Sleeping Beauty: w/c 22 Aug Rehearsal Update


Tuesday night was a fun-filled night at rehearsal. Despite the warm weather we learnt a happy song and dance routine for the second act of the panto. Only one more full number to block now!

After the break, James and Hannah (Prince and Princess), practised their duet for the first time with the Musical Director, Nick. They hit every harmony and the rest of the cast had goosebumps on the back of their necks. You are in for a treat when you hear it in October!

The night ended with Cath and Simon (Queen and King) practising their duet with the Choreographer, Sarah. You can see them in the picture above.

The principles are set for another rehearsal tonight with the rector, Judith. Keep your eyes peeled to see what we get up to!

Emma Oxtoby

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