Dickensian Market 2014

A letter from The Wetherby Lions

On behalf of Lion President Stewart and myself thank you for attending our ‘Lions Dickensian Christmas Farmers’ Market’ event on Sunday and for your donation to the Club for the stall.  It was an excellent day with plenty of footfall so I do hope that your trading went well for you.

All the monies that Lions raised on the day will go to provide 200 local senior citizens a meal and a pantomime at the end of January at Wetherby High School.

Thank your for supporting Wetherby Lions and I do hope that you all enjoyed yourselves on the day.

Memento photo attached.  More photos here  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.905547992802543.1073741857.563810626976283&type=1

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all at WMTG

John Wardley

Wetherby Musical Theatre Group at the Wetherby Lions Dickensian Market 2014


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